The KENDRIYA HINDI SANSTHAN (Central Institute of Hindi) under the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India invites applications for scholarships for study of Hindi at its Institute in Agra, India for the Academic Session 2016 – 2017 commencing from August 2016. The courses designed by the Institute are meant for foreign students whose mother tongue is not Hindi.
Eligibility for admission: Minimum qualification: Twelve (12) years of school or college education.
Age Limit: 21 to 35 years.
Admission Procedure: Candidates can obtain Application Forms which is available at the HIGH COMMISSION OF INDIA, # 6, VICTORIA AVENUE, PORT OF SPAIN or can be downloaded from the Institute’s website: www.khsindia.org
Duly filled in Application Forms may be submitted at the above mentioned address, not later than 15th March 2016 along with personal bio data, photographs, physical fitness certificate, certificates of academic attainments and other relevant documents in support of the application. The application should also have a recommendation from of an expert in Linguistics / Hindi or of a Lecturer / Reader / Professor / Director of any Institute / University in the country of the candidate.
For any inquiries please contact: Dr. Deepak Pandey,
Second Secretary,
High Commission of India
(Phone: 6256220 or 6277480 Ext: 24
email: hindi@hcipos.in