High Commission of India
Port of Spain
In connection with Hurricane Maria, following Emergency Mobile Number and E-Mail ID’s have been established for Indian Community in Commonwealth of Dominica, Grenada and Montserrat :
Names , Mobile Numbers and E-Mail ID’s :
MR. S.C. MISHRA, Second Secretary (CPC)
Mobile No +1-868-2913099 E-Mail ID’s : cons.pospain@mea.gov.in
Any Indian Nationals in distress in our jurisdiction of Commonwealth of Dominica, Grenada and Montserrat can also contact the following Officers of the High Commission of India in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago:
MR. RAJ KAMAL, Second Secretary (Pol) & Head of Chancery
Mobile No.: +1-868-2913969 E-Mail ID’s : hoc.pospain@mea.gov.in
DR. DEEPAK PANDEY, Second Secretary
Mobile No.: +1-868-2921410 E-Mail ID’s : hindi.pospain@mea.gov.in
MR. ANIL C. KARNA, ASO(Consular)
Mobile No.: +1-868-2683309 E-Mail ID’s : cons.pospain@mea.gov.in
These mobile no’s are also available on Whatsapp