Press Releases

Notice Inviting Tender' for Repair, Renovation, Replacement & Up gradation of Embassy Residence (India House).

January 14, 2021

High Commission of India
Port of Spain


1. The President of India acting through the High Commissioner of India in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago requests proposals in sealed envelopes from appropriately qualified and adequately experienced Contractors for Embassy Residence Renovation.

2. Lump-sum tenders from reputed contractors registered for undertaking works in Trinidad & Tobago for the Following:

Name of Work

Approx. Built-up area

Period of Construction

Repair, Renovation, Replacement & Up gradation of services at India House, #21-23 Trinidad Crescent, Federation Park, St. Clair, Port of Spain, Trinidad W.I.

9,900 Ft2

12 months (365 days)

3.Contractors who fulfil the following requirement shall be eligible to apply. These criteria are indicative. Exact details are available in the tender documents.

1. Tenderer should have a valid VAT registration from the Board of Inland Revenue, Ministry of Finance, Trinidad & Tobago.
2. The Tenderer must have satisfactorily completed
(1) one similar work of value of TT$ 7,776,386.00 (VAT Incl.) 
two similar works of value of TT$ 5,832,289.00 (VAT Incl.)
three similar works of value of TT$ 3,888,193.00(VATIncl.).

Similar works means refurbishment/renovation work of Residence or Office of similar size and area.

1. The annual turnover of the tenderer should be equal to TT$ 9,720,482 (VAT Incl.) during the immediate last three consecutive financial years.
2. Tenderer should not have suffered loss in more than two years in the previous five financial years and must not have suffered loss in the immediately preceding financial year.
3. Tenderer should Certificate of Solvency for TT$ 3,888,193.00 (VAT Incl.)certified by bank. The certificate should not be older than six months.

4. Joint ventures shall not be considered if created solely for the purpose of this tender.

5. The tender notice is also published on the High Commission’s Website - Central Public Procurement Portal, Government of IndiaWebsite: tendersearch/cpppdata

Interested bidders can also obtain the tender documents by making a request via email to Jaspal Bhogal Associates, Architects & Design Consultants at: Tender documents (Soft copies) can be obtained from Friday, January 15th, 2021 at the office of the Consultants given below.

Jaspal BhogalAssociates, Architects & Design Consultants 
#8A Saddle Road, Maraval, Port of Spain, Trinidad, W.I.
Tel:(868)628-1852 /

7. Earnest Money Deposit: the tenderer must submit with his Tender with Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of TT$ 194,410.00 (VAT incl.)paid in favour of High Commission of India, Port of Spain. The other terms & conditions related with the EMD shallremain same as mentioned in the tender document.

8. The EMD shall remain valid for a period of One Hundred & Eighty (180) days from last date of submission of tender.

9. Tender documents supported with prescribed annexures should be submitted in sealed envelopes following submission procedures detailed in Instruction to Tenderers. The document will be received up to 4:00 PM on Wednesday, February 17th, 2021 at the office of Second Secretary (CPP), High Commission of India, #6 Victoria Avenue, Port of Spain,, Phone no. 3510758.

10. If any information furnished by the applicant is found incorrect at ta later stage, he/she shall be liable to be debarred from the tendering process. The High Commission of India, Port of Spain reserves the right to verify the particulars furnished by the applicant independently.

11. The High Commission of India, Port of Spain reserves the right to reject any prospective applicant without assigning any reason and to restrict the list of pre-qualified contractors to any number deemed suitable by it.

12. A site visit will be scheduled for Friday, January 22th, 2021 at 10:00 AM,at India House, #21-23 Trinidad Crescent, Federation Park, St. Clair, Port of Spain, Trinidad W.I.

13. A pre-bid conference meeting will be scheduled for Monday, February 1st, 2021 at 10:00 AM, held at the office of the Head of Chancery, The High Commission of India, #6 Victoria Avenue, Port of Spain, Trinidad, W.I.

14. Technical bids will be opened at5.00 pm on17.02.2021in the High Commission of India, Port of Spain. All pages of the submission document must be signed by authorised signatory.

15. Liquidated Damages @ 0.5% of accepted contract value per week basis subject to maximum of 10% of contract value to be levied for any delays in the execution of work, attributable to the Contractor.The Agreement for Contractor is given in the Document IV (Section VII) of the Tender Documents.



Second Secretary (CCP)
High Commission of India

Drawings for Tendering

1. Document III - Form of Tender - Financial bid letter

2. Document IV - Earnest Money Deposit


HCI Resident - Addendum

Attachments for Addendum

Document III (Section VI)

Document IV (Section VII)

Click here to download the file
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