To commemorate the occasion of India @75, Ministry is organising “Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav” online Quiz for the overseas Indian/Foreign youth to awaken the curiosity of the new generation to know more about India so that they develop an all-round understanding of India. To facilitate the organisation of the quiz, the following will be the guidelines:
I. Eligibility: The Online Quiz is open for overseas Indian/Foreign youths in three distinct categories of participants – PIOs, NRIs & Foreign Nationals between the age of 16 and 35 years as on 1 January 2022 (Born on or after 1 January 1987 and on or before 31 December 2005).
(i) Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs) Category: A participant under PIO/OCI category must hold a valid PIO/OCI Card or either of his parents or one of his grandparents from the maternal or paternal side must be PIO/OCI card holders. In the absence of an OCI card documents, HOM would certify that the participant is of Indian-Origin on the basis of available documents.
(ii) Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) Category: A participant can be an NRI with a valid Indian passport and work permit of the country of residence, certifying his/her NRI status provided he/she has resided in a foreign country for a minimum of 182 days in the year 2021.
(iii) Foreign Nationals (FNs) Category: A participant is a Foreign National, if he/she possesses the nationality of some other country and he/she or his/her family does not have any links with India w.r.t their ancestry.
(iv) Verification of Credentials: PIO, NRI or Foreign National status of winners of AKAM Quiz will be verified by the Government of India through its Embassy/High Commission in the respective country. In case the status is not verified, the participant will be disqualified and next in line will be declared the winner.
II. Entry Fee: There is no entry fee for participation in the AKAM Quiz. Participants will not be asked to make any payments at any stage of the Quiz.
III. Quiz Structure: The Quiz will be conducted in ONE round only. It is an online quiz with a single session of 60 minutes for 60 questions. The top 3 participants in each category i.e. NRI, PIO/OCI and Foreigner in each Mission would be declared the winners.
(a) AKAM Quiz Contents: Contents of the Quiz will include the following topics:
A. Indian Mythology
B. Indian History till 1857
C. Freedom Struggle (1857-1947)
D. Indian polity and Constitution
E. Modern India till 2021 which will include:
a) Economy
b) Language and Literature
c) Scientific Achievements
d) Development
e) Cinema
f) Sports
F. Indian Geography
G. Environment & wildlife
H. Art & Architecture:
a) Indian Music & Instruments
b) Drama, Theatre and Dance Forms
c) Indian handicrafts
I. Well known personalities of India
J. Awards and Honours
K. Miscellaneous
Some reading material will be uploaded on the website for participant’s reference.
Disclaimer: The questions in the online Quiz will not be limited to the content supplied by the organizers. This content would be provided as an aid to participants and is indicative and does not constitute the ‘syllabus’ of this online test for the Quiz. Participants are free to refer to other sources of information to prepare for the Quiz.
(b) Online Registration: It is mandatory for the candidates to complete online registration at portal www.akamquiz.in in order to participate in the online quiz. Following fields need to be submitted for registration:
(I) Category ( PIO/ NRI / Foreign National)
(ii) First Name
(iii) Last Name
(v) City / country of residence
(vi) Email id
(vii) Social Profile (any one of Twitter or Facebook)
(viii) Mobile number for WhatsApp
(ix) Profession
(x) Nationality
(xi) Passport Number
(xii) OCI Card details or proof of Indian origin
(xiii) Proof of NRI status (Details of Visa/Resident Permit)
The participant is required to generate a unique user name and password by registering online at the portal www.akamquiz.in. Registration for AKAM Quiz will commence from 01 Dec 2021 and would remain open till 31 Jan 2022.
(c) Prizes: The top 3 winners from each category will receive Gold, Silver and Bronze medals with the AKAM logo.
Medals will be manufactured by a company selected by the Ministry and expenditure will be borne by the Ministry.
IV. Rules:
(a) Rules for AKAM Quiz:
(i) All registered participants will be eligible to take part in the AKAM Quiz.
(ii) AKAM Quiz has commenced on 01 January 2022 and will end on 31 January 2022.
(iii) Questions would be based on the topics mentioned above. A participant will have to answer 60 multiple choice questions in 60 minutes.
(iv) Each Question will have 4 answer options out of which only one is correct. To select an answer, click on one of the option buttons. To change the answer, click another desired option button. The participant must then press the ‘SAVE’ button. A participant can shuffle between questions any time during the quiz as per convenience. Candidates are required to end the round by pressing SUBMIT button. The answers that are received by the system after pressing the ‘SUBMIT’ button only be considered for evaluation.
(vi) There is no negative marking for this Quiz. Questions for each participant may be different for the same topic.
(vii) All winners would be sent an email informing them about their success in AKAM Quiz. Personal details shall be sought for verification of NRI/PIO/Foreign National status of participants, by Indian Embassies/High Commissions and Government of India departments. In case any information provided by the winner is found to be incorrect and/or cannot be verified, the person who obtained the next highest score in the Quiz would be declared the winner.
V. General Rules and Regulations:
Participation in this online Quiz is voluntary.
The Ministry retains the right to make any changes to the event, its format, schedule, rules and in any matter related to this event, at any time before or during the event.
The Organisers are not bound to provide either an internet connection or related devices to enable participants to participate in the online Quiz rounds.
The decision of the organizers would be final and binding in all matters pertaining to the Online Quiz.
In case of a tie in Quiz score, the participant who took lesser time to answer questions would get a higher ranking.
The questions in the Online Quiz will not be limited to the material supplied in the content sets. These sets have been provided as an aid to participants, but it does not purport to constitute the ‘syllabus’ of this online Test.
The decision of organisers on any matter related to this Quiz, shall be final and no disputes, claims etc w.r.t. the Quiz will be entertained.