
Advertisements for Painting and Sound System at MGICC

April 21, 2017

High Commission of India
Trinidad and Tobago

Invites sealed bids for the supply of Sound System for its Cultural Wing the Mahatma Gandhi Institute for Cultural Co-operation, Configuration as follows:

  1. 24 Channel Non-powered Mixer–Soundcraft (Including road case)

  2. 02 RCF Powered Monitors - 3000w (Total) (Including road case)

  3. 04 RCF Powered Main Speakers - 4000w (Total) (Including road case)

  4. 06 Shure SM57 Microphones

  5. 06 Shure SM58 Microphones

  6. 04 Shure SM58 Wireless Microphones

  7. 10 only Large Boom Stand - Ultimate Support (Including road case)

  8. 06 Short Boom Stand - Ultimate Support (Including road case)

  9. 01 Whirlwind Media Box 08 Channel

  10. 01 Audio Snake 32x8 100ft

  11. 01 UPS Console

  12. 01 Road Case for Mixer

  13. 01 Road Case for Microphones

  14. 24 XLR Microphone Cable – 30ft. ea.

  15. 08 XLR Extension Cable – 50ft. ea.

Applications are invited from reputed distributors for sound system who wish to be considered for the above noted work. The distributors should have valid registration in the respective grade with the designated Government authority in Trinidad & Tobago and four years’ experience.

The last date and time of submission of the bid is 3 pm at 10.5.2017.

The bid shall be opened on the 12.05.2017 at 04.00pm

Sealed bids should be addressed to:

The Director-MGICC Level 3 Plaza De Montrose, Montrose Main Road, Chaguanas.

Tender for Sound System” should be printed at the top of the envelope in the center

Contact: Ph. (868) 672-9184, Fax: (868) 665-1957,

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