About Us India - Dominica Relations

                                                                                  India-Dominica Relations

India enjoys traditionally cordial bilateral relations with Commonwealth of Dominica since the establishment of diplomatic ties in 1981. The Commonwealth of Dominica is concurrently accredited to our Mission in Port of Spain and it does not have a diplomatic Mission in India.

2. There have been high-level bilateral interactions between the leaders of India and Dominica on the sidelines of multilateral fora. Most recent has been the interaction between Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi and Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit during India-CARICOM Leaders’ Meeting in September 2019 on the sidelines of UNGA in New York. Dr. Vince Henderson, Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Business, Trade and Energy participated in virtual mode at the India-COFCOR Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in Georgetown, Guyana on April 21, 2023. He was one of the speakers at the ‘India-UN for Global South: Delivering for Development’ event in New York on September 23, 2023, during India’s G20 Presidency, held in the margins of the 78th UNGA. Minister of External Affairs Dr S. Jaishankar held tele-talks with Dominica’s Foreign Minister Dr. Kenneth Darroux on April 30, 2020 regarding Covid-19 pandemic. Dr. Cassandra Williams, Minister of State in the Ministry of Health, Wellness and Social Services attended the 2nd Voice of Global South Summit (VOGSS 2.0) on global issues in virtual format on November 17, 2023. Prior to this, Mrs. Anupriya Patel, Minister of Health & Family Welfare visited Dominica from May 11-12, 2018. During the visit she called on the President, Prime Minister, and various Ministers of Dominica.

Development Partnership

3. India-UNDP Project in Kalinago: A Project under India-UNDP Fund of US$ 1 million grant towards “Strengthening Sustainable Livelihoods and Resilience in the Kalinago Community” was granted to Dominica for capacity building to boost agricultural production and sustainable agricultural practices; design and implement community reforestation programmes; develop a comprehensive tourism strategy; and boost institutional capacities of the Kalinago Council. The Project was started in February 2021 and was completed in January 2024. An additional US$ 1 million grant towards the 2nd phase of the Community Resilience Project in the Kalinago Territory has been granted by Government of India in February 2024.

4. Donation of vaccines and medicines: Under the Vaccine Maitri Initiative, Government of India donated 70,000 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccines to Commonwealth of Dominica. The medical supply was handed over to PM Roosevelt Skeritt who personally received the consignment at the airport, accompanied by Foreign Minister Dr. Kenneth Darroux on 09 February 2021. In 2016, GOI provided medicines under Grant-in-aid scheme to Dominica for their public hospitals. Medical aid was donated to Dominica during Covid-19 pandemic at a virtual ceremony held on August 26, 2020. Dr. Irving Mclntyre, the then Minister of Health, Wellness and New Health Investment received the consignment.


5. Capacity Building: India has been contributing to capacity building of the Commonwealth of Dominica by providing training to its personnel under the ITEC Programme at various training institutions in India in fields such as IT, data analytics, Accounts and Financial Management, HRD, SMEs, etc. The Government of India has increased the number of annual training slots to 20 for Dominican nationals.

6. Disaster relief: In the aftermath of Hurricane Maria in 2017, GOI provided financial support of US$ 1 lakh as immediate relief and granted US$ 1 million for infrastructure re-construction in Dominica under the India-UNDP Fund. In August 2015, GOI provided humanitarian assistance of US$200,000 to the Dominican Government in the wake of damage caused by Tropical Storm Erica. India also donated US$100,000 in December 2011 to help alleviate problems caused by Hurricane Ophelia and humanitarian assistance of US$300,000 in December 2013 in the wake of damage caused by flash floods.

7. Centre for Excellence in IT (CEIT): A MoU was signed between India and Dominica on the setting up of a Centre of Excellence in IT in Dominica in October 2011. The Centre was officially inaugurated in May 2016. It organised its first anniversary and awarded Graduation certificates to successful students in a ceremony organised in June 2017. Around 600 Dominican students have received various IT trainings at the Centre. The Centre was temporarily closed down due to the devastation caused by Hurricane Maria in September 2017.


8. A MOU was signed between the Department of Agricultural Research and Education (DARE) and the Division of Agriculture (DOA), Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Dominica for cooperation in the field of education and research in agriculture and allied areas in October 2011.

9. A MOU was signed between India and Dominica for setting up an IT Centre for Excellence in Dominica in October 2011.

10. A MOU for Reciprocal Recognition of Covid Vaccination Certificate was signed between India and Dominica on April 8, 2022.

Economic relations

11. Over the last five years, trade volume between India and Dominica has been around USD 2-3 million. During FY2023-24, the total bilateral trade amounted to USD 3.03 million, with India’s exports worth USD 2.53 million and India’s imports worth USD 0.50 million. India’s top items of exports include: Pharmaceutical Products; Vehicles; Ceramic Products; and Iron & Steel. India’s top items of imports include: Iron & Steel; Electrical Machinery & Equipment; Sound Recorders; Pulp of Wood etc.

Cultural relations

12. A ICCR-sponsored 9-member Percussion Group “Drums of India” led by Shri Jaya Bhaskar Peravali visited the Commonwealth of Dominica for participation in the Dominica Festival of Arts "DOMFESTA" from May18-20 2012. The group gave performances throughout the country and were honorary guests at the “Night of the Classics' on May 18, 2012. The first ever in-person International Day of Yoga (IDY) is being organized in Kalinago Barana Aute with wide participation of local Yoga enthusiasts, Indian diaspora and government officials on 16 June 2024. In 2022, a virtual IDY event was held at the same venue with the support of local Yoga enthusiasts.

Consular relations

13. On May 7, 2021, India and Commonwealth Dominica signed a bilateral agreement for visa free movement of diplomats and officials further consolidating the close relationship between the two countries. The Government of India has approved e-Tourist Visa for citizens of Dominica.

Indian Community

14. Nearly 50 persons of Indian community engaged in retail business, medical professionals in Ross Medical University reside in Dominica.


04 June 2024